5 Question Game by nnmazzeo

§ February 23rd, 2011 § Filed under Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition?
Either Mountain Day or Elfing. Every fall i still look forward to the email from MHC saying its Mountain Day. Unfortuinitly, i no longer get the day off.

2) Favorite M&C?
chocolate chip cookies. but my favorite dessert was chef jeff cookies. a fun fact… when i was at reunion i asked about Chef Jeff, and was not happy the cookies at blanchard weren’t called Chef Jeff cookies anymore. He left the college in 2007 and started a cookie business with another partner. I think the company is called Zuzzy’s. Go Chef Jeff!

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Physiology with Sarah Bacon,or Biomechanics with Gary Gillis.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
The path around upper lake. There are a few spots to sit and think about things other than classwork. Also a really fun path to go for a run.

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
That i enjoy having long hair (sometimes), have two very hairy dogs (german shepherds), and enjoy spending nights at home with my husband.

– Nicole Mazzeo

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