5 Question Game by SCTHOMSE

§ February 8th, 2011 § Filed under Class Board, Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
As an alumna, Laurel Parade. It’s such a powerful expression of sisterhood and legacy, of memory and the powerful set of women we’re connected to. As a student, Mountain Day. I still try to celebrate it now, to get outside, take a moment and appreciate the beauty of nature.

2) Favorite M&C?
Cupcakes! I’m a sucker for frosting.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Religious Ethics with Jane. Penny Gill will be my advisor for life.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
The greenhouse in the winter, a burst of life in the cold winter. The Upper Lake bridge, a quiet space to relax especially in the fall.

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
I teach high school history and ended up spending close to 4 years in Egypt.

– Sierra Thomsen :: vice president

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