5 Question Game by karjohns
1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
I think Elfing. I loved all the traditions. But Elfing was fun as a first year and fun as a sophomore. I loved giving and receiving all the surprises. I’m still in touch with my Elf, and she continues to be one of my favorite people.
2) Favorite M&C?
Magic Cookie Bars. The best.
3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Pretty much any class I took with Sohail Hashmi – Middle East Politics, Comparative Middle East Politics, Just War and Jihad, etc. Basically, if he taught it, I took the class.
4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
Pratt. I loved practicing and studying there.
5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
That I pursued the law, instead of economics. And that I married a guy who I dated my first year of college, broke up with, and swore I would never speak to again. Things change.
– Karuna [Johnson] Brunk
Amen to change 🙂