5 Question Game by rjbarlow

§ January 29th, 2011 § Filed under Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
Elfing!!! Who doesn’t love midnight visitors leaving words of encouragement and tons of distractions at your door just in time for midterms? When I was an elf (and I still elf first tear grad students), I loved making nerdy science games like lady bug checkers out of nutshells, astro-poetry, and sidewalk shoutouts.

2) Favorite M&C?
Carrot sticks- just kidding! I would wander out of the physics lounge or the observatory for the chocolate chip cookies. Nothing like chocolate and sugar to help the brain chug along…

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Favorite Class: Planetary Science with Darby. Actually any class with Darby was awesome! Darby, Catrina Hamilton, Sean Sutton, and Shubba were the proffessors I still remember and love 🙂 (And not to seem physic/Astronomy heavy I also love and miss: Paul Dobosh, Lisa Ballesteros, Orin, Fawn, and Cindy Morrell)

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
Physics lounge. I lived there. Literally. 🙂

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
I’m married and a mother. Never thought that would happen- ever!!! But I’m so happy that I get to experience this life (outside of Physics), I almost feel normal 😉

– Becky Barlow

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