5 Question Game by cmbrenna

§ February 10th, 2011 § Filed under Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
Junior Show. Junior Show was the first time I felt our class had really come together. It was amazing to see the excitement and enthusiasm build as the event progressed. It’s also the event that I felt we truly made a mark on our school. We were successful in creating a show that was actually pretty funny, and did it in a way that didn’t hurt or target groups of people.

2) Favorite M&C?
I was quite partial to the princess bars.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
I really loved my Northern Baroque art class with Professor Varriano, but Susan Smith will always have a special place in my heart.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
The library was always a favorite but I also loved the second floor of N. Delle my senior year. If you want to get all nostalgic though, sitting in the rafters of the old Blanchard with a Chef Jeff cookie and Fresh Samantha Smoothie was totally the best!

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
For some reason I’ve kept in better contact with some of my MHC acquaintances as opposed to some of my best friends. Not a bad thing just a bit surprising.
Also, there really are women from Seven Sister Colleges EVERYWHERE.

– Caroline Brennan

5 Question Game by cycalhou

§ February 8th, 2011 § Filed under Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
The Laurel Parade. I love marching with all the other classes, I love celebrating the new alumnae, I love singing “Bread and Roses.” It’s just such a lovely thing to be a part of.

2) Favorite M&C?
Oh, this is hard. Mostly I remember regularly stealing bags of rice cakes from the bread bin, which was open during M&Cs, an action which Laura Khor rightly judged me for. In case you were wondering, that’s why there were no rice cakes in Prospect dining hall in 01-02. Oh, and I enjoyed me a cup of hot chocolate every once in a while. Aislinn-Marie Rocamora knows what I’m talking about.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
My favorite class was a seminar on the films of Alfred Hitchcock, taught by Elizabeth Young. The movies were fabulous, of course, and there was a really great mix of people, and the readings were awesome. I enjoyed that class so much — it’s the kind of space I want to create when I get the chance to teach my own courses.

Favorite professor: Mary Renda, of history. If I say any more, I’ll embarrass myself. Or her.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
The library. It’s beautiful, with just enough scary parts to make it interesting (ever been down to Cutter?).

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
I think that college-me would be surprised by how much Mount Holyoke, and my experiences there, continue to shape my life today. I’ve changed in a lot of ways since graduation, but college-me and today-me are very similar because Mount Holyoke helped me to be the person I [still] want to be.

– Claudia Calhoun

5 Question Game by sjconant

§ February 8th, 2011 § Filed under Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
I can’t pick one! Laurel Parade, Elfing and M&Cs are my top three.

2) Favorite M&C?
I remember once as a first year getting leftover chocolate eclairs. It was amazing.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
1. Meiji Revolution – Jonathan Lipman
2. Darwin – Stan Rachootin

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
To unwind: 1904 garden. I used to fall asleep there all the time.
All time favorite: Wa Shin An

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
1. I actually found a job that combined Biology and Asian Studies
2. Because of that first tea demonstration I saw at Wa Shin An as a first-year, I have now been studying tea ceremony for 8 years and am working to become a sensei myself one day.

– Cone

5 Question Game by SCTHOMSE

§ February 8th, 2011 § Filed under Class Board, Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
As an alumna, Laurel Parade. It’s such a powerful expression of sisterhood and legacy, of memory and the powerful set of women we’re connected to. As a student, Mountain Day. I still try to celebrate it now, to get outside, take a moment and appreciate the beauty of nature.

2) Favorite M&C?
Cupcakes! I’m a sucker for frosting.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Religious Ethics with Jane. Penny Gill will be my advisor for life.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
The greenhouse in the winter, a burst of life in the cold winter. The Upper Lake bridge, a quiet space to relax especially in the fall.

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
I teach high school history and ended up spending close to 4 years in Egypt.

– Sierra Thomsen :: vice president

5 Question Game by arocamor

§ February 8th, 2011 § Filed under Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
mountain day. gives me an excuse to get out and get some fresh air…plus, in senior year it gave me some extra time to finish my homework that was due that day.

2) Favorite M&C?
magic cookie bars!

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
ethics and public policy/ tie: jane crosthwaite & james harold

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
rao’s in the library foyer/ rao’s in the library foyer

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
i have a dog and decided against law school

– aislinn rocamora

5 Question Game by karjohns

§ February 8th, 2011 § Filed under Memories § 1 Comment

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
I think Elfing. I loved all the traditions. But Elfing was fun as a first year and fun as a sophomore. I loved giving and receiving all the surprises. I’m still in touch with my Elf, and she continues to be one of my favorite people.

2) Favorite M&C?
Magic Cookie Bars. The best.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Pretty much any class I took with Sohail Hashmi – Middle East Politics, Comparative Middle East Politics, Just War and Jihad, etc. Basically, if he taught it, I took the class.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
Pratt. I loved practicing and studying there.

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
That I pursued the law, instead of economics. And that I married a guy who I dated my first year of college, broke up with, and swore I would never speak to again. Things change.

– Karuna [Johnson] Brunk

Reunion Survey

§ February 4th, 2011 § Filed under Reunion § No Comments

Hi All, Please go fill out our reunion survey (even if you didn’t go!)
Click here to take survey

5 Question Game by adrishaw

§ February 1st, 2011 § Filed under Memories § 2 Comments

I thank Rhea for inviting me to participate, even if I technically graduated in ’04. Does this mean I’m bi-alumnal? Can I come to both reunions?

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
Mountain Day. Hands down. When I am in charge of…something…I’m totally instituting Mountain Day as a regular event.

2) Favorite M&C?
Magic cookie bars. I am shocked that not everyone answered this way, but variety is the spice of life I suppose.

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
I like Life, the Universe and Everything much more in retrospect than I liked taking it at the time. Also Human Dimensions of Environmental change (or “people suck” as we liked to call it). In both cases because I learned things in those classes that I still remember and that are not at all related to anything I do now; it makes me feel well-rounded. Also, James Harold’s class on the Philosophy of Evil….I may be a big enough nerd that I could list half my classes as favorites, but I’ll stop there.

Favorite Professor: Eleanor Townsley. Best advisor ever, and the reason I ended up in grad school (eventually).

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
Unwind/Work: The Dirty will always count as “on campus” in my memory, tied with the old Blanchard as Rhea described it.

Favorite spot on campus: Upper Lake.

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
I have a PhD and people actually pay me to study and talk about video games, and go all over the world while doing so….the me living it hardly believes it.

-Adrienne Shaw

5 Question Game by ejberman

§ February 1st, 2011 § Filed under Class Board, Memories § No Comments

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
Laurel Parade because it’s a tradition that I still get to enjoy as an alum.

2) Favorite M&C?
Too many to choose from! Either vegan cupcakes or magic cookie bars!!!

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
Community Crossover. We visited a Head Start Program, a nursing home, and a prison and taught movement to each community. That class changed the way I view art and education.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
The green behind Dickinson. It’s a private oasis! Also, the green room at Rooke Theatre.

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
On my “Senior of the Week” column, I said that I wanted to go to grad school for theatre education and be a freelance theatre artist. I think the old me would be surprised to know that I actually did it! I’m living the dream!

– Erica Berman :: president

5 Question Game by sjshattu

§ January 30th, 2011 § Filed under Class Board, Memories § 1 Comment

1) What is your favorite MHC tradition? Why?
Laurel Parade, hands down. I love that so many alumnae come back to celebrate our sisterhood, and welcome the seniors into it—beautiful. Add accessories in class colors and Bread and Roses and it’ s unbeatable.

2) Favorite M&C?
Magic cookie bars. Yum!

3) Favorite class? / Favorite professor?
I loved John Grayson, Lenore Carlisle and Fran Deutsch. And though no psych majors will agree with me on this one, I really liked Research Methods, and Fran’s seminar on gender & domestic labor.

4) Favorite spot on campus to unwind? / Your favorite spot on campus?
I liked the docks on Upper Lake for unwinding, and the Mandelles Hill for sledding!

5) What would the you from college be surprised to know about your life today?
She’d be surprised that I’m not teaching, that I’ve taken up distance running, and that I work with power tools every day.

– Sarah Jane Shattuck :: reunion co-chair

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